Thursday, January 31, 2013

What exactly is Animal Communication and how does it help?

I created this  shelter animal's Auragraph 
 from a tarot reading
Finding yourself able to communicate with another species is exhilarating. It is a feat humans are all capable of at some level of competency. All it takes is:
  • An open mind
  • An expansive spirit
  • An ability to listen to the quiet voice inside you
You will need to appreciate the meaning in the messages you receive by hearing, feeling, sensing, seeing or reading what enters your calm mind.
The way I gain messages from animals is through all of the above. I "hear", feel, see images and get a knowing sense of that an animal is communicating. I may get an actual feeling of pain or of loneliness. I once sensed a broken heart from a bearded dragon!

During a workshop last Novemeber, I was asked to contact a fellow student's deceased pet from a photograph. I emptied my thoughts and tuned into the essence of the dog in the photo.

I asked, "Who are you?"

I immediately heard, "I'm a dancer!" and saw the dog's distinctively joyful body movements. When I described this to the student, her eyes widened. "Dancer was her nickname!" she exclaimed.
The other night while I was giving TTouch to our friend Brian's cat Georgio, I got an image of a cloudy red disk. I felt a blockage in the cat's root chakra and told Brian that I felt it meant Georgio (who I had just met) was insecure and had body image issues. Brian thought I "nailed it" but most importantly, I delivered information that can be addressed in order to help Georgio.

Getting validation is important as you need faith that what you receive is really coming from this particular individual. It's exciting but staying with the connection and expressing gratitude for the contact is also important (see previous post on honouring messages). Following through with any behaviours that are negotiated is also key.

That is the major reason we talk to our pets...we want life to be more harmonious and if you slack off on what you say you'll do, the animal will resort back to doing what it does, no matter how irrational it seems to us. Animal communication is also helpful for:
  • Discovering the past history of shelter animals
  • Scanning the body to find areas of pain or discomfort
  • What may be causing emotional issues
  • Aiding an animal transition at the end of his or her life
  • Communicating with spirits of deceased pets for closure
The Enchanted Pet is my platform for posting stories on how animal communication can improve relationships between humans and their animal companions. I will write book reviews, link to interesting videos or news stories and post auragraphs (like the one illustrated above) which I use to gain more insight into shelter animals.
I chose to use the term "enchanted" for the name of my blog because that is how I sense animals feel after knowing they've been listened to and understood. I recall gently massaging little Riley's mouth...he has barking/nipping issues...and whilst his owner was holding her breath, Riley appeared to be completely blissed the treatment, he appeared to be smiling.
I hope you enjoy your visits and are open to the possibility of having an enchanted pet!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Getting in TTouch with Your Dog" by Linda Tellington-Jones

I was introduced to TTouch through my volunteer activities with the nation’s largest no-kill shelter, Austin Pets Alive! (APA). They offer a fortnightly class in a type of animal bodywork called TTouch to people keen on giving shelter animals extra care and attention whilst waiting to be adopted.

Each dog that I took into class was adopted soon after…and these were in some cases, shy and fearful animals. TTouch gave me the skills to help calm and give confidence to animals that essentially have no one special person who cares for them. They have been abandoned, sometimes abused, and are in a cold, lonely kennel for most of their time. Taking them out for TTouch massage is an amazing benefit and I wish every shelter animal could receive daily sessions.

Shortly after joining APA, I took the book out of the library to get an idea of what I’d be learning. As a massage therapist, the moves were clear to me, but it’s not until I got one-on-one, in person “on dog” training that it began to sink it how powerful these gentle touches are.

I started practicing on friend’s animals and any dog I happened to be walking at APA.  Along with the touches, the modality involves taking the animals through a confidence course (like labyrinths, jumping poles, and walking on unusual surfaces). I recall bringing in a terribly timid puppy into class. She was so fearful, she would barely walk on her leash. After 30 minutes of massage and running through the confidence course with me, this puppy was wagging her tail and obviously digging life! (she was adopted the next day).

I recommend this book but more than that, I recommend volunteering at your local shelter to help bring some happiness into the lives of animals in need of a gentle touch and encouraging words.

Honour Your Messages

I think the most important thing I learned over the last 16 months of consciously tuning into my intuitive abilities is this: if you get an intuitive message, honour it.

It is 100% accurate. It is something you need to know NOW. It isn’t just something to think, “Nah…that can’t be right” and sweep under your mental area rug.

Simple acknowledgement for the message and going with it is all that’s necessary.  Expressing gratitude is the right thing to do (I would say it’s mandatory to thank animals and spirits), especially if you want to manifest more intuitive juiciness in your life. I like to give thanks for every good thing that happens to me, but sometimes when it’s a flash of intuition, the moment is over so quickly you may not appreciate the ramifications.

If I heeded my intuition and chose a different route to bike on last March 18th I would’ve averted an accident that landed me in the ER. I still have problems and scars from that mishap, but if I had taken another route and arrived safely at my destination, would I have known to say, “I appreciate that message”? Probably not.

Knowing this is so vitally important to the metaphysical work I do, that I’d like to practice acknowledging my intuition and guides every time I access my intuition. It’s often cited in books that I read on the subject, but how many of us really do it? It would be an excellent bed-time ritual, too.  Showing respect and acknowledging others (i.e. metaphysical helpers) is not only the civil thing to do, but elevates yourself and your talents.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dolphin rescue!

This is a beautiful example of inter-species communication wherein a bottlenose dolphin asks a human diver for assistance in removing a hook and wire attached from his mouth to his fin. The calm resolve of the dolphin as the diver cuts the wire is lovely to see. Not quite sure how much telepathy was experienced on the human's part, but it became clear that this dolphin was literally looking for a hand (and scissors)!