Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Honour Your Messages

I think the most important thing I learned over the last 16 months of consciously tuning into my intuitive abilities is this: if you get an intuitive message, honour it.

It is 100% accurate. It is something you need to know NOW. It isn’t just something to think, “Nah…that can’t be right” and sweep under your mental area rug.

Simple acknowledgement for the message and going with it is all that’s necessary.  Expressing gratitude is the right thing to do (I would say it’s mandatory to thank animals and spirits), especially if you want to manifest more intuitive juiciness in your life. I like to give thanks for every good thing that happens to me, but sometimes when it’s a flash of intuition, the moment is over so quickly you may not appreciate the ramifications.

If I heeded my intuition and chose a different route to bike on last March 18th I would’ve averted an accident that landed me in the ER. I still have problems and scars from that mishap, but if I had taken another route and arrived safely at my destination, would I have known to say, “I appreciate that message”? Probably not.

Knowing this is so vitally important to the metaphysical work I do, that I’d like to practice acknowledging my intuition and guides every time I access my intuition. It’s often cited in books that I read on the subject, but how many of us really do it? It would be an excellent bed-time ritual, too.  Showing respect and acknowledging others (i.e. metaphysical helpers) is not only the civil thing to do, but elevates yourself and your talents.

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